How To Get What You Want With These Simple Methods

woman holding drink

Persuasion is an art. It tends to help get what you want. And if you don’t think this to be true, it means you’re terrible at persuasion. So, let me tell you a few things about the art of persuasion. When it comes to persuading someone, you can either reason it out or argue. The choice is completely yours, but it also depends on who needs persuading.

Method 1 – Mirroring

By mirroring the body language, you portray a picture of reliance, which subconsciously makes the other person think that they like you. This will, in return, make them agree with things you say and get what you want.

Method 2 – Foot-in-the-door technique

By asking for help, you hold the other person superior, which works in your support since they feel like they’re doing you a favor.

Method 3 – Agreement

By putting someone in a group setting where all the group members follow one thing makes one think that they need to do it too. It influences their decision to agree with the group. And helps you get what you want eventually.

Method 4 – Profanity

Ever wondered why swearing always gets more laughs for comedians? It is said that swearing mildly (in a work environment) tends to show your passion.

Now, people may not always have the best intentions at heart to get what they want. So be careful, these methods will also help you save yourself from those people. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Be kind and kindness you shall receive.

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