Social media is a quintessential part of everyone’s lives today. It won’t be wrong to say that your life revolves around social media. And if you spend more than 3-4 hours online, may be you do need Social Media Detox! You constantly post about what you wore, what brands you use, what your day looks like, where you eat and where you travel.
As a viewer, all of this looks like a fun life, but people often forget that this is just part of your work. You meet amazing people virtually, especially the ones you relate to. Sometimes, you may find your clients online. And this is just to say that social media is a source of revenue for many.
Due to the social media exposure that you have, you may doom scroll or feel unhappy about your life sometimes. The constant comparison to others online and only portraying the good side of your hustle can be exhausting. If you’re somebody who feels that now, it’s time for a Social Media Detox.
I’d say step one is feeling guilty about the thought of Social Media Detox. Trust me, I feel it too. You may feel guilty about leaving your work aside as a social media manager, and that’s when you think about Mindy McCready’s A Girl’s Gotta Do (What a Girl’s Gotta Do).
I know exactly what you are thinking right now, Social Media Detox? As a Social Media Manager? (Sorry, if you’re still thinking about the song!)
Maybe You are willing to Detox,
But you don’t know how to make optimum use of your detox time,
So you might say the following words..
Okay, I’m willing to detox but what is a Social Media Detox exactly?
It’s a conscious effort to stay away from social media for a couple of hours, days, or even weeks. Minimizing consumption of online content and de-addicting yourself to protect your sanity is social media detox in its truest sense. You pave your way towards a decluttered mind and get in touch with yourself. The unfiltered one.
There’s a lot you can do while on a social media detox, but here are a few things to get you started –
Say Goodbye to Social Media Apps
Take a break from the endless scrolling, and delete time-consuming social media apps. You’re now in charge of your own time and decide to spend it wisely. Social media makes life easier, they say. But if you’re battling mental health demons like depression or anxiety, the filtered version of many, might evoke feelings of insecurity in you. The sad reality is that you may be already chasing things you might not even want in the first place.
Practice a Self-Care Routine with Love
‘To love others, you must love oneself.’ Immerse in skincare or prepare a self-care box for yourself. Self-care and self-love go hand-in-hand, and a daily routine will ensure that you do both. You can also opt for aromatherapy or just take a walk every evening with your pet.
Go on a mini-vacation with Friends
Travel opens up a new perspective of the world for you, and rejuvenates your inner soul. If you feel tired or anxious and have finally taken that much-needed social media break, set off on a camping trip or a mini-vacation to the countryside with your friends. Wait to upload photos and videos until you’re back home, and simply enjoy being in the moment while you explore new places and food.
Indulge in Reading Books
Reading is a hobby that is cherished by a few people. Read that novel you kept skipping pages off due to mindless scrolling. Fictional books give you a fresh perspective and boost your creativity levels. When you return to the digital space, you don’t feel the FOMO, instead you are a better version of yourself, and happy to experience the joy of missing out.
Over ¾ of the families in America have actively taken part in social media detoxification programme.

By the end of your social media detox, you will be a much more relaxed and focused individual. You’ll start valuing your goals more than anything else in this world. You’ll care less about what the world thinks of you. Take a deep breath, use social media mindfully and record your daily wins. These are beneficial in the long run as you learn to wake up without your phone. Weave the path to your mindful life with these small changes.
Need to detox but cannot miss a single day of work? Let us help you! We’ll take care of all your content and engagement needs while you relax yourself and come back stronger with new experiences and stories to share.
What would you do on a social media detox day? See you in the comments.
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