Turning 30 – it’s exciting as well as scary at the same time! The mid-life crisis, the pressure of settling down (what does that even mean?), being financially independent; so many things to do before you reach the number. It may be too late by the time you wake up and realize the many things that you wanted to do before you turn 30. While some may take it well, for others it may come as a shock to not be able to achieve the goals they set for themselves.
Time flies and every person has a different speed of working; every person has an altered state of mind; every person has a different way they view their life. You cannot make comparisons with someone your age for everything that’s happening around you. So here are 30 things I think are important to know before you turn 30.
Work-related Things To Know Before You Turn 30
Do whatever makes you the happiest
If your job, your goals, and whatever you’re currently doing is not making you happy, just change the path and do what makes you happy. Because being happy is healthy for you!
Ask for support
You won’t always have the best days. And when you have bad days, there’s nothing wrong in seeking support from colleagues, friends, or even intervention from a mental health professional.
If you’re good at something, charge for your services
If you feel that you’re good at what you do, don’t shy away from charging for it if someone asks for your services, even if it’s your friends. In fact, always help a friend in her entrepreneurial journey.
Accept responsibility for your mistakes, and learn to Apologize
If you acknowledge that you are at fault and apologize profusely, people will appreciate you even more. By being honest, you can gain people’s trust.
Who you are is more important than what you do
Don’t let your job title or job description decide your character. If you’re not a nice person, then no amount of wealth or fame will make up for it. Practice kindness.
Manage time wisely
A wise person understands the importance of time. There is a chance to believe in yourself and be a successful individual every hour, week, or year.
Always take the time out for the right people in your life
Jobs come and go, but you need to make time for your family and friends who stick by you through thick and thin. And one important thing to know when you turn 30 is to stick by the people who stuck by you.
Be kind to other people
If you’re having a bad day, don’t take out your frustration on someone random, especially if it’s a salesperson or a store clerk. Be compassionate to everyone. You simply don’t know what other people are struggling with.
You don’t have to be too nice to everyone all the time
While it’s good being polite, this can play a significant role in the worst regrets in your life, especially if somebody takes advantage of this trait. Grow a spine, listen to your instincts, and recognize when and how to fight back.
Don’t let others’ opinions decide your value and life choices
It’s good to take opinions from people when you have doubts about some decisions. But if your gut tells you that your choice is right, don’t let others influence your decision.
Everybody is on their journey; telling someone how to live isn’t your duty
Trying to convince those around you to see life the way you perceive it, is not your job. It’s just not worth the hassle you exert trying to turn others to your manner of living.
You don’t always have to put yourself last
While it’s good to help others out in times of need, if you’re at a stage where you need to take care of yourself, you can take a step back and say no, once in a while.
Personal-life Things To Know Before You Turn 30
Nothing stays permanent
Whether it’s your friends, your job, your house, your mental state, your physical health, everything will change at some point in your life. Accept that change and move forward.
Invest in things that mean more to you
From relationships, new projects, to yourself, if you feel that improving it will be helpful, don’t take shortcuts and invest meaningful time or money to build it up.
Expect the unexpected
Life is unpredictable. By being ready for any challenges that lie ahead, it becomes easy to accept change and move forward in life.
Find your creativity
Remember the last time you did something creative for yourself? Even if you don’t know, trying out different things will help you discover your hidden talents!
Learn to forgive
Revenge rarely feels right in the name of punishment. Often you have to be away from people to avoid the harm they cause to you and others.
Learn to distance yourself from social media time and again
Do you have the habit of going to bed and scrolling through various social media platforms before falling asleep? And you repeat the same thing when you wake up? Just by changing that routine, you’ll realize the change in your life and even feel free!
Learn to save money
Don’t be an unwise spender. Look to do something positive with what you earn. You should be saving NOT more than 40% of your income.
Focus on the good things in life
If you fixate on negative stuff, then you’re never going to be truly happy. Learn from your mistakes, but don’t be stuck on them.
Stop seeking validation from others
While at work, it’s good to seek validation for the hard work you put in, but continually looking for it in your personal life might jeopardize your self-worth.
Take responsibility for your life
You are liable for every choice you make in your life as an adult.
Learn a new skill, and practice it at least for 15 minutes every day
Whether it’s learning to play an instrument, a new language, or any new hobby, it’s refreshing to learn a new skill. And if you practice it for at least 15 minutes every day, you might even get good at it!
Self-care is important
Whether it’s taking care of your skin, your hair, or just your mental health, taking care of yourself is very important.
Challenge yourself
Do something that you’re scared of doing. Overcome the anxiety to be efficient and effective, cause, at some stage in your life, you may need to conquer something that scares you.
Stop looking for the “right time” to achieve something
There’s never a right time to get a tattoo. There’s never a right time to adopt a pet. There’s never a right time to profess your love for someone. If you keep looking for that “time”, you might miss out on something great.
You’re never too old to do something that you enjoyed as a child
Who said you’re too old to do something? There is much to be said for giving up your childish habits. You can never move past acting as a child — that is, honest, spontaneous, animated, intense, enthusiastic, unapologetic, etc.
Don’t stop reading
With so many online shows, social media, and other forms of distractions around, people tend to read less every day. Discover new books to read and expand your creative mind and knowledge.
There’s nothing wrong to have and enjoy your routine
Everybody often advises you to be flexible to escape repetition, but the thing is, many love a routine. Celebrate the ethical aspects of life right now, even though it sounds the same old stuff.
Give yourself a chance to dream big and crazy
Set ambitious goals and far scariest timelines. Work incredibly hard, even if it’s for a very long time. Don’t stop. That’s the only path to achievement, my friend!
Tell us one of the best advise you’ve received from friends or family about Things To Know Before You Turn 30.